Adding Recycle Bin to Windows 7 Taskbar

Windows 7 Taskbar is different than all the other taskbar prior to Windows 7. Features like Jump Lists, Pinning and Live Task Preview makes it very flexible yet powerful than any previous versions.

Adding Recycle Bin to Windows 7 Taskbar will require creating a Recycle Bin shortcut and then pinning to the Windows 7 Taskbar. Okay then lets get started.

Upgrading From Fedora 16 To Fedora 17

Fedora 17 is the latest version of the Fedora Linux operating system. To Upgrade from Fedora 16 you don’t have to erase anything on your current system, and it won’t put your files at risk. You can install Fedora directly to your hard drive straight from the Live Media desktop if you like. If you are an existing Fedora 16 user and you want to upgrade to Fedora 17 then follow these steps.


How to Update XAMPP in Windows

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use – just download, extract and start.

XAMPP is an acronym, which stand for:

You can also install them separately and configure them. XAMPP puts all this and more together in a single package which makes it easier to deploy it.

Now How to Update XAMPP in Windows without loosing your existing sites and databases.

Minimizing Skype to Windows 7 System tray

Skype 4.2 and newer versions will minimize to the Windows 7 Taskbar rather the System Tray or Notification Area, when you press the Minimize or the close button.

Its not that bad but sometimes its just annoying to leave Skype running in the Windows 7 Taskbar. And its not that useful for the most users. Most of the time you may end up pressing the Skype icon on the Windows 7 Taskbar when you didn’t intent to.

By default Skype disables the option of Minimizing Skype to Windows 7 Taskbar but it can be easily fixed.

Running Ubuntu One on Fedora

Ubuntu One is a personal cloud service which enables users to store files online and sync them between computers and mobile devices, as well as stream audio and music from cloud to mobile devices. Free Ubuntu One account offers 5 GB of online cloud storage. Users may increase their storage by adding additional 20 GB “20-packs” for $2.99 per month or $29.99 per year.

Ubuntu does not provide any official application for running Ubuntu One on Fedora, but there is always a way. Running Ubuntu One on Fedora will take some doing as fedora is not supported by Ubuntu.

Get free domain name with free hosting

Get free domain name with free hosting.

Anyone with an email address can get a free domain name and free hosting. There are many free web hosts available on the internet, just choose the one you like. And as for the free domain name.Visit and register an domain name. If its not registered by anyone you can get this domain for free and you can use it for free, if you want to use it for commercial purposes then you will have to pay $3 per year, otherwise its free.

Here are the steps to get a free domain name and free hosting: