Installing Google Chrome on Fedora 20
To install Google Chrome on Fedora 20 run terminal and execute these commands.
Add Google YUM Repo
sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo
Or using nano
sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo
And paste the following
Chrome Repo for Fedora 32-bit
[google-chrome] name=google-chrome – 32-bit baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= Repo for Fedora 64-bit
[google-chrome] name=google-chrome – 64-bit baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= the file using ":wq"
Install Google Chrome Stable
sudo yum install google-chrome-stable
Install Google Chrome Beta
sudo yum install google-chrome-beta
Install Google Chrome Unstable
sudo yum install google-chrome-unstable
Launching Chrome on Fedora
[divider]To launch Google Chrome go to Applications > Internet > Google Chrome
Google Chrome Running on Fedora 20
Alternate method of Installing Chrome on Fedora 20
[divider]Another way to install Google Chrome is to install Yum Extender, which is a graphical application installer for Fedora and CentOS.
Then add the required google repo for your Fedora version and run Yum Extender. Then go to Yum Extender Groups View > Graphical Internet and you will be able to find Google Chrome there. Then just select Google Chrome and press the apply button. Or you can just search for Google Chrome or Chrome on Yum Extender.
Visit this link if you want to install Yum Extender: Installing Yum Extender on Fedora